The Trial of a Time Lord is one of my all time favourites. Courtroom drama + Doctor Who = Perfection!
Usually when people fan-edit this series, they cut out the Trial segments, which I've always found odd.
I ADORE a Courtroom Drama, and I also adore Doctor Who, so it feels like this season was custom made for me!
Yes, I did contemplate erasing Peri and Ycarnos' love affair at the end, but decided against it last minute.
For this edit, I decided to make each divided episode, a part of one overall story. This is mainly because in the original broadcast, the episodes were titled "The Trial of a Time Lord - Episode 1" up until "The Trial of a Time Lord - Episode 14"
Therefore, all four episodes are presented on this one page.
Think of it as a mini-series, in the vein of 'Torchwood: Children of Earth" 😂
Part Three includes the updated VFX from the Collection boxset!

Part One - The Mysterious Planet
Runtime: 52 minutes
File size: 1.11GB
Part Two - Mindwarp
Runtime: 53 minutes
File size: 1.19GB
Part Three - Terror of the Vervoids
Runtime: 57 minutes
File size: 1.35GB
Part Four - The Ultimate Foe
Runtime: 41 minutes
File size: 872MB
*NOTE*: Episode 1 is hosted on Google Drive, and Episodes 2, 3 & 4 are on MEGA. I had upload issues, sorry.